Exercise does nothing for me

In a recent conversation I had with someone, they mentioned that exercise does nothing for them

And I get it

They spoke about recent research they have seen about cardio is the best way to lose weight, and this is one of the biggest misconceptions as many only take cardio as ‘running’. Despite my client losing touch with running they continued doing it because that’s what they thought was best.

In fact, they were pushing themselves away from there goal as they are actively trying to do something they are not enjoying.

Which we all know, is not worth doing because you will actively try and find every excuse to not complete the thing that you hate doing.

Now I’m not going to sit here and write that you don’t need exercise for weight loss, because for long term maintenance and most long term goals of weight loss, you will need to be perform some form exercise…

But make sure you are doing something you enjoy.

Along with this, if you are just going to the gym and thinking you can then just sit for the rest of the day, then that is something you will need to look at, and something I implemented for my client.

As said cardio is very much a misconception for just ‘running’ however, the best form of cardio for weight loss and the long term maintenance of said weight loss is maintaining a step count. This could be gradually increased throughout the weeks, and should be spread out throughout the day.

This can increase your calorie burn, increasing your calorie deficit, therefore creating the best environment for weight loss.

And you can make the steps much more enjoyable as you can include more friends and family through encouraging them out for walks, setting each other goals.

Other forms could be incline walk on the treadmill whilst putting your favorite Tv show on to watch to get you motivated.

If you really are struggling however to know what exercise you potenially could be performing then drop us a comment on a contact form on the bottom of the home page, or drop us a follow and DM on Instagram (@endure_fitness_pt)

Lucy x